Take the burn out of razor burn

In partnership with SA’s top medical aesthetic companies

Razor bumps, skin tags and warts, not to mention lines and wrinkles, can really cramp a man’s style. An increasing number are seeking out solutions to keep their skin smooth, youthful and good looking.

While guys have the home advantage in the skin stakes compared to women, you don’t get a total free ride if you’re one of the unlucky ones who struggle with acne sun damage, or razor bumps.

Dreaded razor bumps, aka pseudofollicultis barbae, are especially common among men with curly hair, especially black men, whose facial hair tends to curl back in on itself, and they can also be caused by improper shaving technique and using a blunt razor. These painful bumps and pustules on the face and neck can cause social embarrassment and, more importantly, if they become infected, they can leave behind dark marks and keloidal scars if left untreated.

So what is the recommended treatment for razor bumps?

The most high-tech option, available from skin specialist doctors and aesthetic clinics, is laser therapy. There are several options available that can treat not only razor bumps, but also other eyesores like skin tags and red cheeks.

These include the YAG laser, Limelight laser, Fraxel Dual as well as Cutera’s Xeo Laser Genesis. The qualified skin professional will have to assess your skin to decide which treatment plan works best for you.

Xeo Laser Genesis tackles scarring from razor bumps, skin tag and redness by stimulating the skin’s natural renewal process through gentle micro-pulses of laser, which activate the skin’s collagen. It improves the skin’s overall quality, resulting in a radiant, more youthful complexion. It is totally safe for all skin tones and has virtually no down time, other than a little temporary redness. A series of treatments will not only improve the appearance of your blemishes, it will also correct fine lines and diminish unwanted brown spots.

Caution: it is vital you use sunscreen on freshly lasered skin.

Men are also interested in softening the obvious signs of ageing, such as deep wrinkles and sagging, without losing their rugged good looks.

This is where injectables such as Botulinum Toxin and Dermal Fillers can make a big impact, but you need to put your face in the hands of a skilled medical professional who has been trained in using injectables on men – after all, it’s more than likely that you want different, more masculine results than those women are after.

Next week we look at the best ways to ensure you age gracefully. 

To find out more about men’s skin care regimes and treatment options, visit Skin Renewal on www.skinrenewal.co.za or contact 0861 SKIN SA (754 672).

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